
The design shown below was done for a client who contacted me with the view of redesigning their current website. This was to include a new colour scheme, different pages and some new font choices.

The design shown is a high fidelity prootype of their existing home page just designed using the new colour scheme to give the client a more clearer idea of what the new colour scheme would look like.

THe client did state that he was looking for some inspiration in regards to font as he had just been using the font Figtree for both Headings and Paragraph content. I had already done some research on good font pairings for the client.

However the client was keen to keep the Figtree font that they were using,, so with this in mind I produced two prototypes for the client one using the Figtree for the Headings and Karla for the Paragraphs and a second using Rubik for the Headings and Karla for the Paragraphs.

Before a full redesign could take place however the client’s business was bought out and a redesigned website was no longer required.

Figtree & Karla Version

This is a short video showcasing Enochian homepage using the new colour scheme and using the fonts Figtree for Headings and Karla for Paragraphs.

Rubik & Karla Version

This is a short video showcasing Enochian homepage using the new colour scheme and using the fonts Rubik for Headings and Karla for Paragraphs.