One off designs

The designs shown bellow are one off designs that I have created. They have been created by using a random project generator, this generator creates a small brief that outlines what should be designed and the projects shown below try to match the brief set.

Sign up page

The brief that was generated was to create a sign up page, so I created a newsletter sign up page for a flower shop. I first imagined that there would be a small image followed by a form for the first and last name and email address, however when researching images I found that all of the images were too good to confine to a small box so I decided that it would better suit the whole page if the image was the background.

Once the image was chosen to be the full background I then thought to myself that it would be a shame for the whole of the background image to be obscured by text and a form, which is why I took inspiration from my EV Charging design and used some glassmorphic elements that would go behind the text and the form. By doing this it still gives readability to the user but also doesn’t fully obscure the pleasant background image and as is shown the design of the glassmorphic elements only takes up the space that is necessary for the text and form therefore again not completely obscuring the background image.

Overall I think this design has kept to the brief and has also been designed with user’s needs in mind. I do feel however some of the font from the main text could have used a different font and could possibly be a little larger.

Checkout page

This is a simple design for a brief that said the design a checkout page. Ay yje top of the page are the multiple payment methods that a user can choose from. The user would be able to swip though these and to accommodate old devices navigation buttons have also been added.

Below that is a simple form that would allow a iser to select a card type, if a tradition card had been selected from swiping, the card number, CVV and expiry date and lastly the card holder name and a submit button. All these elements including the form have drop shadows to give the user some slight depth perception.

Overall I think that this design came together well and satisfied the brief that was generated.